If you cannot find the purchased product anywhere, please check if you’re logged in to your Yellow Images Account.
Make sure that you are logged into the account through which you have initially purchased the item you are trying to download.
Make sure you have downloaded the files from your Yellow Images account, section Downloads.
If the download doesn’t work for some reason, please do the following:
- Try downloading the file again;
- Check your internet connection. 99% of cases when a file can not be downloaded is because of the internet speed;
- Try downloading with another browser;
- See if there are any blocks on the browser which prevent you from downloading the file;
- Check if the object was not transferred in case you used Transfer Rights feature;
- Refresh the page and try downloading again.
If none of this works, contact us and provide a screenshot of the issue you’re experiencing.
Please see Where can I find purchased products to download? for more details.